To register for a service/visit, please fill out the form below.
Payment Methods
Онлайн на нашем сайте
через Przelewy24
If you encounter difficulties with payment on the website via Przelewy24, you can use the following options:
Bank Transfer
Indywidualna specjalistyczna praktyka lekarska Ewgenij Mozgunow
Ing Bank Śląski
Account: SA 58 1050 1504 1000 0092 1079 0490
In the field ‘Tytuł płatności’ please write: “opłata za wizyte date, Imię Nazwisko (Patient’s Name and Surname in Latin characters)
Ing Bank Śląski
Account: SA 58 1050 1504 1000 0092 1079 0490
In the field ‘Tytuł płatności’ please write: “opłata za wizyte date, Imię Nazwisko (Patient’s Name and Surname in Latin characters)
Payment via BLIK Code with Registrar Assistance
o use this payment method, inform the registrar that you need help with the payment.
Payment via PayU System with Registrar Assistance
To use this payment method, inform the registrar that you need help with the payment.
Сообщите регистратору о том, что вам нужна фактура, при оформлении.